WASHINGTON, DC -- 9/23/20 -- Chivonn Anderson, 40, of Philadelphia: “We won’t have that voice that stands up for all the people that are on the fringes of society in America. She did so much for so many and in this time that we’re in right now we need her and her voice more than ever. It’s scary to see who’s gonna take her place. She has a legacy that needs to be fulfilled and I hope that whoever is nominated and gets that position will honor her legacy by thinking about everybody in the country, not the people that just appointed them and stuck them in that position.”
With the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on September 18, the court has lost its leading progressive voice. Members of the public pay their respects and answer the question, "what are the issues you are most worried about since the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg?".…by André Chung #_AC14271