SAVAGE, MD -- 9/2/14 -- Jon Delbrugge, 28, Glenelg, MD is a Mixed Martial Artist. "Tattoos are cool because it’s a piece of art that you can make yours and is going to be on you forever. Tattoos are a really good way to put what you’re about on your body and it just kind of sets you apart from average, normal society. Of course, nowadays it’s changing but five, ten years ago you were crazy if you got a tattoo below your elbow or on your neck or something like that. I like tattoos and I don’t care at all about the norms of society or anything like that. It just becomes part of you. I don’t wake up in the morning and look at my tattoos and look at each and every one of them and think this still looks cool to me, you know? Once I get it, it’s there. I don’t even think about it."
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