OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- 3/10/20 -- Rejeania Strayhorne canvases for SQ 805 outside the Sprouts Natural Foods Market in Oklahoma City.
Rejeania (cq) Strayhorne was paroled last August after serving 17 years of a 30 year sentence for trafficking. She was in the home of a dealer at the time of the raid and was arrested along with him, but she says she was an addict not a dealer. Now she earns $15/hour collecting signatures for SQ 805, a ballot initiative that will reduce sentencing enhancements that have made Oklahoma prison terms among the longest in the nation.
Oklahoma incarcerates more people per capita than any other state, and incarcerates women at a rate that ranks second globally. However, bipartisan efforts at criminal justice reform have been making inroads and the state’s progress at decarceration is among the nation’s fastest.…by André Chung #_AC18282